• cheese and beer    相關企業商業資訊
    1. double cheese

      鬥牛士相關企業店名:double cheese .手工窯烤披薩.炸雞.義大利麵.專賣店. 團體聚餐.最佳選擇..

      電話:06-2363618    地址:台南市東區長榮路3段47號
    2. The Mercury Bar

      ... we only play underground and indie music. We serve 23 different brands of beer, as well as various cocktails. On weekends we have live shows from indie bands both famous and not-so-famous.

      電話:07-5508617    地址:高雄市左營區立文路46號
    3. 正麥 BEER BANK


      電話:03-6577826    地址:新竹縣竹北市嘉豐五路一段28號
    4. 左岸風尚餐飲店

      ...enjoy the best Italian food”.In our restaurant, you can also drink fresh beer,delicious noodles and other cuisines.The chief believes “Take it easy, eat wonderful pasta with good ingredients in Chiayi city”.Therefore, you will understand why LBF is popular and open,with an almost communal atmo...

      電話:05-2399688    地址:嘉義市東區興仁街43號
    5. 尚鼎興業有限公司

      ...: 引言:每每去了義大利總是要在小餐館裡和pasta, pizza, cheese wine呀這些老朋友們敘上好幾餐才甘願我們說哪天或許不用約在義大利?就是這樣的我們想把那樣的美好帶回自己的城市所以有了PRIMO品牌故事:只有在PRIMO才能完全擁抱...

      電話:02-27111726    地址:台北市大安區復興南路一段107巷14號1樓

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